Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Aliens + Angels = BFF's

As the Winter Solstice approaches, I am feeling very aware of the shifting in energy and my feelings of needing to purge old stories, and make clearer declarations of who I am becoming and what I invite into my life.   Like a snake, I can feel myself shedding old skin with clouded eyes, and starting the process to emerge.  Diving into the darkness of winter and emerging into the light of spring to come.

I was inspired to find a meditation to use for focus in this time and the first thing that came up was a meditation with Archangel Gabriel. The Guardian who presides over winter. He is the Archangel of Vision, and also the Archangel of revelation, creativity and faithful service…. How perfectly suited for this time.

And it brought be back to this dream…this dream when I first met Gabriel.  This dream that I have relived over and over again and it still comes back to teach me.  It was one of the most powerful and profound “dreams” I have ever had and I remember every detail…

I suddenly woke up in my pod.  That’s right. A pod, just like the kind in the Matrix.  Except I wasn’t in a spaceship.   I was in a huge cave.  And not just me, but thousands of people, sleeping in their pods.
When I woke, I sat up out of my pod and looked around. The pods were half submerged in a shallow pool of electric blue water that seemed to be bottom lit.   They were glowing from the light reflecting into their spheres, making them look like angelic dew drops perfectly in a row.

As I started to become present to my surroundings and what was happening, I immediately thought I should not be awake.  This was a mistake. I broke some kind of rule like I always do and here I am.  I must have died on earth.

I looked next to me and I saw many friends from different stages of my life all asleep in their clear glowing eggs. I even saw Ex President Bush Jr a few rows over.

As I looked around the cave, I noticed a tiny thread of light shining down into the cave like a silver string from heaven.  The walls seemed to dance with moving shadows. Shadows of animals moving back and forth, watching us.  And as I looked over, I saw a little brown alien, walking by each pod with his hand out.  He was short with skinny limbs, a little belly, and almost dreadlocked, curly hair.   He moved through the rows, steadily and methodically, whispering to each person in their pod, what their life mission was.

I crept out of my pod as I observed him doing his work and I eventually felt called to approached him.  What happened next took me completely by surprise.

He turned to me and ever so gently touched my forehead.  At that moment I felt this very physical and powerful, thick wash of warm, gooey love pour over me. Melting over my body and through my soul like a warm syrup.  But in all of its power and bigness, it never felt heavy.  It was strangely so light and breathable.  Never cumbersome.  The duality of the magnitude of this strong power, balanced by a freeness and a liberty left me feeling so safely helpless.   A light went off in my soul and I thought instantly, “This is what true love feels like.”  Love in its most authentic and pure form. Something that my soul recognized instantly and melted into, and something that I had never experienced in my earthly body.  It was so foreign and so familiar.

All time seemed to stand still.  It was completely obsolete.   I have no idea how long I stood there, with my eyes closed letting the nectar drip over me and fill my entire being.  But when I finally opened my eyes softly, he had already walked away and was continuing his work blessing the people sleeping in their pods, reminding them of their highest purpose.

I stood there heart wide open, feeling courageously vulnerable, rooted and corrected.  My eyes were welling up with tears of gratitude. So grateful that I got to feel that level of love and pureness again. Something that I’d receive glimmers of here and there, but for the most part love on that level had always seemed so conceptual and theoretical.  But here I was basking in it now and I knew that I must never forget this feeling again. That now that I‘ve felt it and know it, that I must always work to come back to that place if I were to get lost.

So completely overwhelmed with inspiration and gratitude, I knew I could not hold on to it on my own. I had to share it.
So I came back to the little alien, closed my eyes and touched his heart.  I stood there with him and tried my best to return the favor and fill him with as much love as he gave to me.   And as we stood there, we both opened our eyes.  I looked at him and his eyes were full of tears. And then he spoke.  His name was Anthony.

He asked me, “ Do you know when the last time anyone has touched me?” to which I replied, “I do not.”
“It has been millions upon millions of years.”

I couldn’t believe that it had been so long since another being had touched him.   I stood there slightly baffled, not knowing how to respond.

And just when I thought it might be time for my awkward exit and directions out of the cave, Anthony turned to me and said, “I have something for you.”

He then presented me with what he called a water bow.  It looked like a 9 ft. tall bow and arrow, made of black wrought iron steel.  It was a sculptural masterpiece, bent into the most beautiful and intricate swirl patterns.  There were 2 arrows mounted on it and it seemed to tower over me in its height and majesty.   He told me that it was my tool to use in the light revolution.

The next thing he told me was, “Gabriel.  Gabriel will be your partner.”  And without looking, I could feel a big, strong and safe presence standing behind me. But I never turned to look at him.  I did not want to break my gaze with Anthony.

“Together you and Gabriel will fight the light revolution. Use him as your guide and he will protect you.”

I simply nodded and thanked him and before I knew it, Gabriel and I were leaving the cave.  Squeezing through tight and muddy corridors we emerged into a gorgeous field of tall, silvery grass, lit by the full moon.

I stood there feeling the gentle breeze of the night gliding across my skin, and I had never felt so complete in my entire life.

And then I woke.

In the years since, I have thought of this dream often. Wondering what this water bow is and how it works, if I am indeed doing this work that I am meant to do or if I am completely failing, and who the heck is Gabriel anyways?

Since then, so much has emerged from this dream.

The day after the dream, I told one of my best friends about it.  Is he spiritual? Yes, but he hides it underneath the most surly attitude.  As I started to tell him this story however, he jumped out of his chair and began to weep.  The night before he too had a dream where he was presented a bow and arrow from an angel, made of fire, with 2 bows and was told it was his tool to use in the light revolution. Pretty stunning.

But what is this bow?

I once talked to a Native American Priest about this to which he was extremely concerned.  He told me that the water bow was only used in the spirit realm and that once when he was a young boy, he saw his grandfather taken underground by a group of little brown men and that his grandfather had never come back since then. He warned me to be careful and not to be tricked by them.  He was genuinely afraid I would be kidnapped forever.   But he did not have my experience and he did not know the profound beauty I had experienced with one of these little brown men, with Anthony.

Then a little later I heard of a story of a man who was invited to go to a spiritual council with a group of Mayan priests.  It was quite the big deal as no one had ever been invited that was not of Maya descent.  But because of his work, they had invited him.  He told a story of him walking through a field at night and moving through muddy corridors into a cave.  The cave had opened up inside and there was a shallow pool of electric blue water.  He recounts that there were shadows of animals on the walls and what looked like little brown men hiding in the shadows.  This was his waking account.
The moment I heard this story, I shuddered. I knew instantly that, that is where I went to in my dreams that night.  The similarity of the environment described was completely uncanny.

I have also come to learn that Gabriel… Gabriel is a really great guy. Gabriel’s role as a bringer of visions makes him the Archangel who reveals the truth of one’s unique role in the world.  The Soul’s true calling or higher purpose if you will, and empowers one to pursue that Higher Purpose successfully.  Pretty friggin’ stoked to have him around, I’ll say.

To this day, the mystery of this dream has not been completely unraveled.   But I learn little by little as I move through this life.

And I realize that this is some intensly hippy woo woo magic for some of you. But you know what, in this world, the idea of what is real and what is true seems so arbitrary to me. I feel that I don’t actually know anything.  I don’t really know why the sky is blue, or how a car works, or even what an object truly looks like.  If I see the world like this, and flies can see UV colored rays and view it through a lens which multiplies it into 6…I can’t believe that I know that there is a right and singular truth.  There are things to be discovered and learned and I choose to trust those theories and ideas, but in reality, I don’t actually know those things to be true.  I just believe them.  The ONLY thing that I know,  I know, is how I feel. And that is it.
That is my only sense of truth.

So in that sense, I am so profoundly grateful for the gift of knowing that feeling of love and goodness in my heart.  I only wish that I was better at retaining it.   I am also so grateful to know that I can always call upon spirit to keep me on my own unique path.   I am so humbled by it.

So now, I guess let’s just try and not fuck it up.

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